Tag Archives: entrepreneurs


Top 10 Definite Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs


Image: Wired.com



So, you want to be an entrepreneur. You have big ideas and all the necessary resources but are still doubting whether you have it in you or not.

Don’t worry, because you are not alone in feeling so. It’s not uncommon to get bogged down by the way people define success. It happens more often than not. And, even most successful entrepreneurs at some point feel slackened. But, they aren’t successful for nothing.

You know how they say, “start anything new from the basics?” Well, that’s 100% true. Beginning anything from nothing is more like starting from Kindergarten all over again. That is, if you want get it right the first time itself.

People may be born with certain attributes, but skills can also be learnt and honed with practice and dedication. A successful entrepreneur is a heady mixture of skills, characteristics, and an intense passion to go after their dreams. So what are these characteristics that promise success?

There may not be a distinctive formula for being a successful entrepreneur, but there definitely are a few qualities that most big shots have in common.

Let’s take a look at each one of them closely.

  1. Commitment: Entrepreneurs do not take defeat seriously. Failure is a part of their work, but they are committed to strive harder with every defeat to convert it into a success.
  2. Goal-Oriented: It’s all about setting goals, making strategies and sticking to a game plan until they have reached their destination. Having clear-cut goals only means more clarity and definition.
  3. Proactive: Entrepreneurs are ‘doers’ who do not waste time in waiting to get something done. This inherent quality makes them the leaders they are.
  4. Opportunistic: Entrepreneurs are always brimming with ideas because they see an opportunity to grow and innovate in every situation, and grab it when the time is right.
  5. Uncertainty is a Friend: The secret of growth is knowing how to keep cool in unexpected situations. Entrepreneurs do not fret when things don’t go as planned. Instead, they make the most of the posed challenge.
  6. Good Listeners: Entrepreneurs are learners and they remain learners throughout their lives. That’s how they grow as people and enterprise owners because of their inherent respect for knowledge no matter where it comes from. Listening, and listening intently is their way of showing this.
  7. Risks: If life is nothing without risks, then so is a business. Entrepreneurs take bold decisions because they are confident, and have faith in the fact that eventually success will come to them.
  8. Creativity: Entrepreneurs are highly imaginative, and they are constantly ideating and innovating to translate their ideas into profits.
  9. People Skills: Good communication skills are a strength when selling something to an audience is in question. Entrepreneurs have an intrinsic quality of leadership; their mere presence can inspire, motivate and influence people.
  10. Passion: Their business is an extended version of themselves. They put their heart and soul into it because their love for their work is more like worship. They do what they are passionate about that’s what makes them who they are.

Read Also: Leadership: An Intelligence to Succeed

Good news is that all kinds of assistance is available to develop these personality traits. With the right support and attitude, you can go miles, and years from now, you’ll look back and see for yourself how your dreams turned into reality.